5 Good Souvenirs for Company Events

When holding a company event, either external or internal, it is essential to give incentives to your attendees. Good souvenirs are items that are useful and visible. The most common souvenirs or promotional merchandise are items that can be worn or used regularly.

Remember, for your event to be a success, you need to ensure that every attendee gets a souvenir. For this, you might find the use of an event management software helpful; such software can often streamline the registration and attendee management process so that you can get a pretty good idea of the tentative number of souvenir packages you will need to give out, allowing you to prepare well in advance. Take a look at https://www.goldcast.io/products/registration-and-attendee-management to understand how this software works, and whether it can be beneficial for your event.

In any case, souvenirs can be reflective of the message you want to send out, and when you give away unique products, your attendees are more likely to better remember the event.

Here are five things that may be good souvenirs at your next company event:

  1. Notebooks, journals, and other stationery

Notebooks and journals are less overt than t-shirts with the company logo. When properly designed, notebooks and journals can be quite tasteful. Things to remember when designing notebooks are that the simpler the design, the more chances the recipient will use it. Simple designs allow anyone in the company to use it regardless of position, and even the extended family of the employee can use it, which also expands the company’s promotional reach. You can choose a design and the type of gift that you prefer, either a booklet or a journal, and then find a printing manufacturer nearby to help you. If you have limited references on who to contact in order to get these souvenirs made, you can try this out.

  1. T-Shirts and jackets

T-shirts and jackets are a favourite wearable souvenir. You can find a garment printing company to have your company logo or slogan printed on any t-shirt. When ordering your t-shirts and jackets remember to keep a variety of sizes on hand. A one-size-fits-all might be the most economical solution but has its downsides when it looks unflattering on some people. When clothes look unflattering, people might not wear them. That takes away the effect of the company souvenir. Perhaps for internal events, you can have a general survey of the sizes in the company, and for external affairs, you can stock up on free sizes.

  1. Caps and hats

Caps and hats are another wearable souvenir. They are easier to stock up on compared to t-shirts and jackets because of the sizing issue. It is also a cheaper alternative. When designing the caps, remember to keep it simple. Select just the company logo or the company mascot embroidered on the middle or side of the cap. Also, remember to select a cap colour that is in line with the colour scheme of the company. If the colour scheme in place easily gets dirty or does not translate well on the cap, opt for neutral colours. Remember the key is to keep it wearable.

  1. Tote and drawstring bags

Tote and drawstring bags are wearable as well. The unique part of the bags is that there is more space to play with when compared to the cap and other clothing items. It is also a more relaxed medium. Instead of a big company logo, you can integrate slogans and the company motto. You can play with images and designs as if it were a graphic tee. Being relaxed with the design on the bag is a way to show your company’s creativity. Having said that, if you’re looking to get these for your company, search for ‘Drawstring bag bulk‘ on Amazon or other similar e-stores.

  1. Seasonal items

Seasonal item is an umbrella term for things that have limited use. Fans and umbrellas for the summer and scarves and hats for winter, etc. Seasonal items are a good fit for public events.

Keep the quality of your souvenirs in mind. Just because the notebook or a shirt is promotional doesn’t mean it doesn’t meet the same standards as your regular goods and services. The purpose is defeated when you produce low-quality souvenirs. It shows how much effort was put into the item which, visually, isn’t much. Your give-aways are also a reflection of your company.

Image: Pixabay.com