Fashion is a kind of autonomy and self-expression in a certain situation and time and in a certain context, of clothes, footwear, life, accessories, make-up, hairstyle, and personality. In its broader usage, the word simply means a style defined by the fashion industry, which may be trendy or established as being what’s currently trending. It usually involves the assessment of how the particular item of dressing fits into the wearer’s overall sense of style and identity. It also involves an effort to integrate an element of designer craftsmanship into the product. This article briefly discusses some of the important dimensions of fashion that influence consumer responses to fashion, as well as the processes that drive fashion forward.
The first dimension of fashion trends is represented by what people (and the manufacturers of clothing and other items of clothing) actually wear. This dimension can be taken in several different forms. For instance, casual wear such as jeans and T-shirts, as well as fashionable workwear, are all part of the casual category of fashion trends. Work clothes, in turn, can be categorized as formal or semi-formal, depending on the purpose for which they are worn. When we talk of fashionable items of clothing (which can include dresses, trousers, skirts, shorts, and so on), we are talking about what people in the fashionable classes generally wear.
This continues on into the identity of a wearer and how they wish to express themselves. Clothes are often seen as a potential way to express yourself without words. Whether that be through a direct route of what someone enjoys or a more subtle route of how a person wishes to be interpreted by those who view them. For example, if you were a fan of dogs or had a pet dog then you may decide to buy some husky t-shirts or ones with a dog that you like on, to express this fondness to others around you. For the second expression, if you wanted to be seen as a happy person then you might choose to stick to bright colours, that are warm and could potentially make those who view you feel happy.
Second, and somewhat related to the first dimension of fashion trends is the category of “uniform” clothing. Uniform in this context refers to clothing that is seen everywhere in the business environment as being the same. Uniform means wearing something that everyone else in the office is wearing, and we know from experience that this is not an attractive look. Uniform in clothing refers to clothes that look, to the observer’s eye, to be a consistent color and style. For example, business uniforms might be dark blue jeans and a white office suit.
Thirdly, there are the so-called chic fashion styles, which tend to be more expensive than regular fashion styles. These may include evening wear, sports attire, high fashion, or any other kind of clothing that tends to be seen as a luxury. This includes items of clothing made from high quality materials, stylish designs, and are made in ways that reflect a certain social status. For example, it is not uncommon to find affluent men who spend large sums of money on purchasing authentic designer suits. In fact, many upscale businessmen are willing to pay handsome amounts of money to purchase authentic designer jeans and stylish blazers.
Finally, there are the so-called “haute couture fashion wear” and “culture clothes,” which are much cheaper than traditional expensive clothes. Haute couture fashion wear and accessories, therefore, are not only cheaper than authentic designer clothing, but tend to be of lower quality. Additionally, many people who buy haute couture fashion clothes do so because they believe these clothes epitomize the beauty, elegance, and style. When one understands that fashion and clothing are not mere ways to survive, but can also contribute to self-esteem, one will then be more willing to wear clothes that are more expensive. In addition, one should understand that true beauty comes from within, and that true beauty comes from dressing in clothes that make a person feel good about himself.
Finally, anyone who is concerned about the state of the world’s economy should be aware that the global recession has created a huge demand for inexpensive clothing. Individuals who have lost their jobs or have been forced out of their homes due to violence can benefit greatly from purchasing pre-owned clothing. One can also save hundreds of dollars over buying brand new items by visiting stores or thrift stores that specialize in selling used clothing at discounted rates. By using these resources, one can dress comfortably while simultaneously creating an image source for oneself.