Men's Style


5 Popular Modern Hairstyles for Men

In the past, women have been able to enjoy much more freedom with haircuts and styling. Men may have felt limited by having few choices to change their look and image. Fortunately, in recent years, men’s haircuts have crossed divides and become incredibly interesting and different. You may not be ready to do something as […] Read more…

Checking Your Gonads: A Primer On Testicular Cancer

Cancer has become a catch-all phrase for an inevitable sickness, a disease that you could only hope to hinder but never cure. Misinformation combined with a lack of public awareness leaves most people bereft of knowledge that can save lives. Cancer comes in many forms and shapes, and while many cancer types truly live up […] Read more…

Stylish items for the male home

Whilst all of us men can enjoy looking sharp in the latest designer brands, as well as getting to grips with some of the more advanced high-tech gadgets, it’s a sad fact that many of our interior design skills can be somewhat lacking. Read more…

How to Set Up Camp on the Beach

There’s nothing more romantic than seeing moonlit waves rushing up to shore. Camping on the beach is a dream for many, but waking up with a wet back and a pool of cold water around your feet might not be the experience you were dreaming of just a few hours before. Even though sand is […] Read more…

Three Parts of our Lifestyle we Usually Don’t Talk About

The life of a man is complex, with traits, passions and hobbies we sometimes don’t talk about. These are not sinful things, nothing to be ashamed of, but somehow they don’t fit into the usual small talk or casual conversation. They are simply not things to talk about in the coffee break. While not on […] Read more…

7 Gift Ideas for Guys

Have you ever been torn on what to buy for your guy for his birthday or a wedding anniversary? Don’t worry it is normal, research shows that men are the hardest to be shopped for. However, there is a secret to this, know your guy like the back of his hand. Get to know what […] Read more…

ED Simplified: How to Get your Sex Life Back

Often known as just ‘ED’, erectile dysfunction can affect men of all ages. It’s related to the circulatory and nervous system but can also have psychological causes. Men can have ED following a surgery, or as the side effect of an illness, but it can also happen during emotionally disturbing times of life. Sometimes performance […] Read more…

The Importance of Good Footwear

For better or for worse, guys don’t have as much options to dress up as compared to our female counterparts. At most, we go to the gym, get a good haircut and keep our beards in check- we usually have more leeway in other departments. Clothing choices are mostly pretty simple as well. In fact, […] Read more…

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