Tablets get upgraded every few months: new tablets mean new features, new gadgets and apps, better display, bigger screens, and newer software. SO, the big question is, what do you do with that huge stack of old tablets as you keep upgrading so they don’t sit around collecting dust in a corner? Upgrading to the latest and greatest tablet should not mean the end of your old tablet’s life, the real question is though, how do you recycle your one and allow it to live on? Below are some great ways to extend the life of your old tablet and make the most of it!

Use Your old tablet as a digital cookbook!

Pinterest is the new place to go too for recipes and cooking tips. but the problem is, you have to access it online. The kitchen can be a hazardous place for brand new tablets, considering there is dirty hands, water splashing, and cooking food or ingredients getting spread around the kitchen. All of these things could ruin your new tablet’s screen or worse, bring its life to a halt. So, instead of using your brand new tablet in the kitchen and risking it breaking, use your old tablet as your digital cookbook to browse recipes and look up tips and tricks for delicious meals!

Pass your old tablet on to someone else!

Unless you bought a new tablet because you broke your old one, chances are your old one works perfectly and is still in great condition. These are things are sources of entertainment for kids who can use them to play games or watch TV programs. Your child doesn’t need the brand new technology with the best quality screens and fastest internet and processing software. All they need is for it to be functional and have room so you can upload learning apps. games. and books. This way you save your new tablet from being in little hands that can drop it and cost you money, or dirty fingers who can ruin your new screen. Let them enjoy your good as new, old recycled gadget, while you get to keep the new one for yourself.

Have a dedicated home radio and music player

Instead of making your old gadget spend the rest of its days in a corner on a shelf collecting dust, give it a stationary spot in your house where you still get use out of it. Permanently hook it up to your speakers or dock it on a bluetooth audio space. This allows you to constantly have your favorite music, and radio stations like Spotify or Pandora, completely stored only on this device. Not only does this save space on your new toy so you have plenty of memory left over for other apps or e-books, but it also saves the new toy it’s screen and its speakers. This helps make the best of your new gadget’s life span, and lets you use it while you use your old one to jam out!

Use your old tablets as a digital photo frame.

All the new technology that you carry around makes it easy to take beautiful, high quality photos that look almost professional, and help hold onto memories as you make them. But, what do you do with these photos once you take them? Chances are they sit on your smartphone or other smart gadget, and are never displayed for others to see, or for you to look at whenever you want. So, take your old tablets and put them on a frame stand, and create a looping slideshow of all of your most memorable photos. Don’t just see them on occasion, have them on display to enjoy every day!

In conclusion there are several creative ways to use your old tablets, and other smart devices. Keep enjoying and recycling them to your benefit!

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